  • spaceghoti

    Do they have an office in Denver? And are they hiring?

    • Nate

      Denver, represent!

      Also, I'd use Linux at work too. I'm forced to use Windows, though I can't complain too much. It is work , after all.

    • spaceghoti
      @Nate -

      Denver, represent!

      I love Denver. That's why I came back here after living in Australia. It beat the hell out of Iowa.

      I can't complain too much. It is work , after all.

      This, right here, is the sad commentary on life in the US that I hear the most. And it applies to me just as much. I work to get by, that's it. And I'm supposed to be grateful for it.

    • redalastor

      I honestly don't know. We own a ton of stuff, some of it in the US. But mostly in Canada.

    • spaceghoti
      @redalastor -

      How about Victoria? I'd totally pull up roots and move to Vancouver Island.

    • redalastor
      @spaceghoti -

      Quite likely. We have a large chunk of the news country wide and always acquire more.

      Though, I'm just starting out so I couldn't help you get a job there, especially that far from headquarters.

    • spaceghoti
      @redalastor -

      News? Oh, that's kind of ironic. I'm working for a broadcasting corporation now. Not that it gives me much of an edge since it's just level 1 service desk.

    • redalastor
      @spaceghoti -

      Are they treating you well?

    • spaceghoti
      @redalastor -

      So far so good. Nothing to get excited about. It's work and it pays the bills.

    • Nate
      @spaceghoti -

      @ spaceghoti -

      A fellow Midwesterner who also moved to Denver? I grew up in Illinois and heartily agree.

      You're so right. You know what? I'm tired of that mentality. I've been feeling so frustrated with work lately. I'm not expanding my skill set, I haven't learned anything new here in the past year, and I certainly haven't gotten any better or worse at doing the grunt work that I've been assigned. There is little to no vertical career movement in the nonprofit world and staying with this job is hardly providing any opportunities to do so. I'm going to start looking for new jobs.

    • spaceghoti
      @Nate -

      A fellow Midwesterner who also moved to Denver? I grew up in Illinois and heartily agree.

      Ah, no sorry. I didn't mean to mislead you. I'm originally from New York, in the Buffalo south towns. I originally moved to Denver in 1994 but left for Australia in 2001 to get married and find work. Failing to find work I came back to the States by way of Iowa and spent eighteen months finding a way to get the hell out.

      You know what? I'm tired of that mentality. I've been feeling so frustrated with work lately.

      Unfortunately what I'm finding is that most jobs are only offering the same horizontal career options. There's no interest in retaining employees, only demands of loyalty from us with none offered in return. Honestly, if I could quit to focus on more creative pursuits without worrying about starving or finding myself homeless I'd do it in a heartbeat. But our hypercapitalistic society not only doesn't allow for it but it actively frowns on it.

      Sorry, I had to vent there myself. It's a touchy subject with me. ;)