• rosellem

    suggests the speaker is either lazy or self-involved.

    I couldn't disagree more. All words serve a purpose. I choose mine carefully, and sometimes I choose to use curse words, when I feel they are needed and the setting is appropriate. I do recognize that the setting is not always appropriate. While my definition of an appropriate situation is more expansive than most, I'm not the sole definer of social norms and try my best to respect others boundaries. Thus, I have yet to curse on this site, because it seems inappropriate.

    • Tempest

      What sets this site apart from the rest -in my opinion- is that people make a genuine effort to hold up an intelligent conversation (mostly without using curse words or memes). Curse words may be cathartic and help set the tone of an argument for sure, but I don't think they're necessary. That said, I'd like to add that these words don't offend me.