fred's feed

  • 8 years ago
    Comment fred

    The problem is its also hypocritical. Sure weight can affect your health but there are a LOT of activities we engage in that can affect your health.

    Putting all kinds of chemicals in your hair can certainly have lasting affects to your health, and most of them lack long term studies of their health affects. Same goes for tanning (and she looks pretty tan for living in Canada).

    My point is, there are thousands habits that are unhealthily, and quite frankly, most people engage in a least a few of them. picking and choosing which ones you condemn seems ignorant and silly.

  • 8 years ago
    Comment fred

    The problem is that large scale overhaul types of reform breed radicalism and can lead to a splitting of the very institution he is trying to advance. Basically the rule of unintended consequences.

    And I was raised catholic and pretty much abandoned it as soon as I was able. However I will say what he is saying and doing are a positive thing for the church and he should keep it up. he is exactly what Roman Catholicism needs. Not that it is making me consider returning to the church, but at least its heading in the right direction.

  • 8 years ago
    Comment fred

    It saddens me that people like this have a voice in society. Nothing she says is particularly unique, funny or thoughtful. Its just a lot of "look at me" BS. And its not her directly, but her actions and the attention they garner are the symptoms that im talking about.

  • 8 years ago
    Comment fred

    This is exactly why I don't eat gulf seafood any more. When I was in college, I scored a job working some oil rigs in the gulf for a summer. It paid really well, but most of the experienced rig workers told me blowouts and spills were common place and often covered up. In fact the only real difference with Deppwater Horizon was that the damn thing sunk and people died, so it got publicity. Basically they told me the gulf sea floor is likely a wasteland at this point.

    And given how liberally the corexit was used in DH, I just don't eat gulf seafood, or seafood that may come from the gulf anymore, which sucks because I LOVE fish, and fishing. But now im mostly catch and release.

  • 8 years ago
    Comment fred

    One of my favorites to re-reach was The Catcher in the Rye.

    Its one of those books where i read it in grade school as an angsty teenager and then again at 30. And my perspective and take on the book was so wildly different it was pretty fascinating

  • 8 years ago
    Comment fred

    I just went cold turkey. Wore a rubber band for a week or so and when i wanted a cigarette i snapped it.

    I also kept a pen/pencil or toothpick in to help with the hand/mouth habit.

  • 8 years ago
    Comment fred

    I think its great. Seems like the long con on the dems side. He splits the polls and then runs indy. Giving Democrats an easier win in the general.

    THat said, now we need an "anybody but Hillary campaign". Her handling of this email thing is basically enough for her to lose my vote, regardless of issues.

  • 8 years ago
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