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Published 7 years ago by cone with 18 Comments

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  • Appaloosa

    Somebody made a really bad decision and it looks like everybody recognized it. You wield a double edged sword when it comes to human nature, trying to accommodate all sides, no matter which way you swing, runs the risk of cutting someone.

    • AdelleChattre

      Cops shouldn’t wear the uniform in their personal or political life. For reasons.

  • MAGISTERLUDI (edited 7 years ago)

    " she was asked to leave because her uniform could upset others in attendance. "

    “We do not wish to ever make any community member feel unwelcome"

    Which is it???.......... LOL

    • AdelleChattre

      Let's see if we can't think of a reason why a cop in uniform might not be universally welcome at an event to "honor those who lost their lives to anti-transgender violence."

      Can you think of any reason why that might be?


        I'm sure you can share some unrelated tidbit, as usual.

        You do the honors.

        • AdelleChattre

          I'm asking. Can you?

          • MAGISTERLUDI

            Not off hand.

            • AdelleChattre

              Are you sure? You said it was laugh-out-loud funny, though. You took time out of your life, time you'll never get back, to post that you're snickering at this story. I guess if you have to explain it, it's not funny. I guess if you give it a half a moment's thought, that snickering's not funny either.

            • MAGISTERLUDI
              @AdelleChattre -

              My comment,

              " Which is it??"

              makes it perfectly clear, for most.

              I realize you have some sort of personal vendetta, explains your new found attention to minutia.

            • AdelleChattre
              @MAGISTERLUDI -

              You're the one snickering at a memorial service, genius.

            • MAGISTERLUDI
              @AdelleChattre -

              Nope, once again, your wrong.

              My observation was the contrast of the two statements I quoted.

              You still have that problem with attribution(s), not my "genius it would seem but yours..LOL

            • AdelleChattre (edited 7 years ago)
              @MAGISTERLUDI -

              Two statements, about a memorial service, for the murder victims of violent hate crimes. Pretend they were people, for a minute. Instead of things for you to snicker at. How brilliant and funny do you think your comment would be then?

              Or does it get funnier for you the darker it is for the people you snicker at?

            • MAGISTERLUDI
              @AdelleChattre -

              I simply can't/won't answer to your attributions.

              Does no more than give them substance outside your own mind.

            • AdelleChattre
              @MAGISTERLUDI -

              If only there was some way for you to know whether laughing at other people's greatest sorrows was crass or not.

            • MAGISTERLUDI (edited 7 years ago)
              @AdelleChattre -

              Wrong again,

              "If only there was some way for you to know" your attributions go beyond even being


              Stop the nonsense, and......... "don't go away mad, just go away".

            • AdelleChattre
              @MAGISTERLUDI -

              Funnier because you're a bigot. Got it.

            • RoamingGnome
              @AdelleChattre -

              You two need to get a room.

            • AdelleChattre
              @RoamingGnome -

              They have their account set to refuse private messages. Not a lot gets through to them anyway, as you've noticed by now. This is one troll that does not starve out.

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