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Published 8 years ago by bogdan with 25 Comments

Waiting for Snapzu to come back online

  • This post was made after 40 minutes of downtime a few hours ago when the sql database crashed.


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  • Netflix

    While you wait, theres always Netflix.

    • picklefingers

      This is some next level shilling /s

      • Yeti89

        At least it's a good service, could be worse...

  • bigkix

    I browsed Snapzu on my phone earlier today and then finally receieved an invite. When I finally got home to my computer, Snapzu was offline. I must've hit refresh a hundred of times during an hours time.

  • MadMonk

    Join us on the IRC, so you at least have someone to be sad with!

    • bogdan

      What IRC

        • bogdan (edited 8 years ago)

          So what do I do with that information. Is there a way to connect from within a browser?

          Edit: Figured it out. Felt old for a second, but then I got to the bottom of it. Thanks!

          Edit2: Tutorial for whoever wants to join: http://gfycat.com/IcyCapitalFlyingsquirrel

          • get9

            You should've felt young! IRC is for seasoned Internet vets.

            • bogdan

              Well yes, no doubt about it, but I was worried that I'm not able to process the information that is smacking me across my face.

  • Xeno

    I haven't had any issues yet (besides expected slow loading times).... but +1 for the Docta.

  • Nerdeiro

    "We will sing to you Snapzu,

    The Universe will sing you to your sleep."

      - Ood Sigma


    PS: for all those who watched "The end of time", Sorry for the feelings.

  • skeeva

    Back and forth between snapzu and reddit is my day. Hope snapzu is able to get more stable as the days go by!

  • walt0ua

    Snapzu appears to be lagging atm, or it's just me?

    Reddit flooding this place with exodus?

  • NotSteve

    Every decent reddit alternative has been destroyed with traffic

  • Holymanta

    Oh I thought it was only me

    • FRIK

      I was at my computer, and was thinking my internet was bad. Turns out nope, it's just the website

  • Cheski

    I have only seen Snapzu fail to load for me twice. Each time I just refresh and I'm back in. Sure, it has been a little sluggish, but it is staying up for me.

    • gabe2068

      Yesterday at times it was a bit sluggish but today it is lightning fast.

  • ClarkKent

    I kept refreshing and actually my friend messaged me and said "It's back!."

  • aj0690

    Busy weekend for me, so I didn't experience too much of the downtime but I know exactly what you feel!

  • Kysol

    I'm happy that it happened while I slept. My keyboard disliked the overuse of F5 last time

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