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  • Text Post
    7 years ago
    +14 14 0

    Cell phone carriers in USofA -- help!

    There is a chance I might have to come stateside (USofA) next year. I am doing some research in regards to cell phone carriers and plans. Where I am now, it's easy, I own my phone and prepay 20NZD once a month for unlimited calls and texts and and data (I never run out so it's enough). If I need more data I can just top-up as needed. In other words, I control how much I need/want and spend.

    Okay, is there something similar in the US? Because I get so confused trying to figure out T-mobile, Verizon, AT&T, et cetera. And everything seems so damn expensive -- as if 100USD is a DEAL? wtf? And I'd like to avoid a contract because that just screams to me rip-off. Thanx

  • Text Post
    8 years ago
    +4 4 0

    Overcoming the bad run.

    Any tips on overcoming and avoiding the bad run? I just had a miserable one and no idea why (>_<)

  • Text Post
    8 years ago
    +31 31 0

    Howdy Snapzu!

    Thank you ever so much for the invite! I'm looking forward to getting to know the community and I really like the design and layout too.